To download your LinkedIn account data start by going to your account and settings. Follow the steps below to learn how to download your account data.
1. Your LinkedIn Data can be accessed by going to your LinkedIn account and clicking on the "Me" icon on the top right.
2. A drop-down menu will appear and click on "setting and privacy" tab.
3. Click on "Privacy" on the top of the page.
4. Once in the "Privacy" tab scroll down to "Under How LinkedIn uses your data section" > "Download your data"
5. Once you are on the data page, this is where you can select the type of date you want to download. Once the data is ready you will receive an email and a download link.
There are a few notes you should know. Depending on the type of data you want to request it can take up to 24 hours for the full archive of your activity and account history.
You can initiate a download of your LinkedIn data from your Settings & Privacy page. For more details on what data is included in each archive, see the table below.