Your Call-to-action (CTA) can be added or edited within your Profile.
Your Profile also includes the following details:
First name, last name, designations, email address, title, contact phone number(s), social media, website link(s), a call-to-action, physical address, signature, and a professional headshot.
What is a Call-to-Action?
A call to action (CTA) is a prompt on your content landing page, that encourages investors to take some specified action. This can include, a URL to a specific webpage for the investor to take further action, a URL of your appointment booking tool such as Calendly, or your email address allowing investors to contact you regarding the information in the article, video, or infographic.
In this article, you'll learn how to add a CTA to an existing Profile.
1. Click your name or username at the top right and then Account & Settings
2. This will launch you into the Profile & Branding of your Account & Settings
3. Click into the Profile you would like to add the Call to Action to
4. Click Add New under the Call-to-Action header
5. On the left side of the box enter the text you wish to appear on the button, on the right side enter the email address or website URL you would like to bring viewers to.
5. Click Save
If the Profile is locked or greyed out, email with the requested changes.
If you are on an integrated compliance workflow, changes will not be reflected until compliance approval is obtained. You will receive an email notification acknowledging approval or necessary changes.
Where does the Call-to-action (CTA) appear?
The CTA is located below your contact information on your digital business card - on all content landing pages and newsletters.