AdvisorStream allows users to not only have articles shared to their Social Media pages, but also to their own advisor Website. This will allow a selected page of your website to be up to date with recent and insightful articles.
In this article you will learn:
How to generate RSS code on AdvisorStream
How to add the AdvisorStream code to Website Manager
How to share content from AdvisorStream to Website Manager (and your website)
Configuring Website posting is a three-part process. The first set of steps takes place within your AdvisorStream account and the second/third set of steps takes place within Website Manager. We encourage you to open both applications and complete the entire setup from start to finish.
Part 1: AdvisorStream: Generate RSS Code
- First, start in AdvisorStream, where you will generate and copy the RSS code. Starting from the AdvisorStream home page, click your Account name in the upper-right corner of the screen. From here, click Account & Settings.
2. From the left side menu, click Websites
3. Next, click the New Website tile ( blue + icon)
4. Fill out the following fields:
• Enter an identifiable name into the Name field.
• Enter your website address into the Web Page URL field.
• Enter the number of Maximum Visible Articles you want to display on your Website Manager
website. By default, five articles will be shown.
• Enter how many days you want an article to remain on your website in the Article Expiry (days)
field. By default, articles will remain on your website for 30 days.
• The following fields are not applicable for Website Manager Image Type, Image Size,
and Open Article Links In.
• Check the box if you want to write a custom introduction to each article, or leave it unchecked
to use the article’s summary as the introduction.
Note: custom messages are subject to compliance approval or may be disabled entirely, depending on
your Broker-Dealer’s workflow.
5. Once you have field out all fields, click save.
6. Click the Copy to Clipboard option below the RSS Feed Link box. This is the code you will need to add to your website - a green confirmation message will appear alerting you that you have successful copied the code. Tip: Open a Word doc, right click and paste the RSS feed code, this will allow you to copy back and re-copy if needed.
You have now completed all AdvisorStream setup steps.
Part 2: Website Manager: Add AdvisorStream Section
1. Login to Website Manager.
2. Our first step will be to add a new section to your homepage specifically for AdvisorStream. In the gray
bar running across the top of your screen, click Adjust Layout.
Above: An example of the editor within Website Manager. You need to be within the editor module of Website Manager to complete the next steps. This can be reached by clicking Edit my website in the left menu.
3. A new window will pop-up, displaying available website sections on the left, and currently selected
websites sections on the right.
Above: Adjust Layout is located on the left-side of gray bar mentioned previously.
4. It’s easiest to use the search bar, which will auto-complete as you type AdvisorStream. You can also click
on the search bar for a drop-down menu, and find the section that way. There are two unique
AdvisorStream layouts for you to choose from, as well as three colors. These layout/color choices do not
affect what content will display.
5. To add a section, simply click and drag it from the left column to the right column. Toggle the
background color of the section by using the little drop-down menu, available in the upper-right corner
of each section in the right column. You can rearrange sections by dragging them up or down.
Once you have the AdvisorStream section added, click the blue Save button in the lower-right corner.
Part 3: Website Manager: Add RSS Code
With the AdvisorStream section added, we can now add the RSS code. This is the final step before your
era of easy content sharing begins!
1. Scroll until you find your AdvisorStream section, and click the corresponding blue Edit button. As your
homepage may have many such buttons, if you are having trouble, just hover your mouse over any Edit
button and a helpful identification flag will pop-up.
2. After clicking the Edit button, a panel will open from the right-side. If you’ve added this section
previously, there will be entries in this library. Again, for the sake of this document, we will assume you
are a new user.
Click +Add New near the top of the panel.
3. There are only two fields on this page: Nickname and RSS Feed Link.
Nickname: enter an identifying name for this entry. This doesn’t appear anywhere on your site and is
purely for assisting you in the future. We recommend using the same nickname you gave your website when we were generating the RSS Code in AdvisorStream.
RSS Feed Link: paste your copied RSS code here. That’s all you have to do. Don’t alter the code in any way
or the feed won’t work properly.
4. Back out in the library panel, turn your new entry on by clicking the checkmark, turning it green. Then
click Save at the bottom of the panel.
*Click the blue Add to Library button at the bottom once you are finished.*
You are now ready to share content to your website.
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