With the website snippet feature, AdvisorStream allows you to share content directly from your library to your website.
Important: Before you begin sharing content from your AdvisorStream library, please send the embed code provided in your Account Settings (found in the Website tab) to your webmaster so they can insert the embed code onto a page on your website where the content is to be inserted. Customizations to the website snippet can be made on the left (i.e. number of visible articles, the image type to display etc.). Please remember to click the "Save" button.
Once the embed code is inserted to your web page, return to the library and click on the utility bar (three lines icon on each article) to select "Share Social/Web" for the content piece you would like to share. Click on the "Locations" box to select the website you would like to share too. Include any text with the post if you wish, then click the "Share" button to post.