What is Email Sender Authentication?
Email Sender Authentication also known as Email White labeling helps to ensure the deliverability of your emails, keeps your messages out of spam folders, and adds legitimacy by allowing you to send emails through AdvisorStream which come directly from your domain. When your contacts receive a newsletter/email from you, they will only see a sender they recognize. This is available for advisors who own their own domain and this is done by making changes to your DNS records.
Why Email Sender Authentication is important?
Through Email Sender Authentication, you can make it even more likely that your newsletters and emails reach your recipients. Email Sender Authentication makes the newsletters/emails AdvisorStream sends on your behalf appear as if they are being sent directly by you.
Email Sender Authentication will allow for a higher delivery rate by reducing the chance of a newsletter/email being marked as spam or ending up in the junk folder. This feature can in turn help to increase your open rate.
How to Get Started:
- Click on your name at the top right-hand corner, then from the dropdown, click Account & Settings
- Select Email Domain Authentication along the left hand side of the page
- Click on the tile to create a new configuration
- Add in the email address and click on Create at the bottom left hand side.
- Each row containing a CNAME record needs to be entered in your email hosting provider's page
- Once the CNAMEs have all been entered in your hosting page, you will head back your Accounts & Settings tab and select Email Domain Authentication and click on the tile you created.
- Click on Validate at the bottom left hand side and if all the information was entered correctly, under the Valid column you will see the word "True" (after clicking validate you may need to refresh your page)
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