1. You Forgot to Approve
For advisors who have chosen Semi-Automated, you must approve your newsletter by Friday at 11:00 am ET. The newsletter pends your approval, AdvisorStream will not send it out until we have your approval. Head to your Outbox- hover over the data, if the newsletter still has the thumbs up icon this means you have did not approve your newsletter.
As a reminder, we offer a Fully-Automated level whereby you will still receive the preview on Wednesday but the newsletter is sent automatically every Friday and does not pend your approval, you will have full control of making changes or taking action to decline.
2. Your Forgot to Submit for Review
Newsletter changes must be routed to compliance for review by clicking Submit for Review within the Newsletter Builder or Outbox. AdvisorStream cannot send your newsletter until compliance has approved your changes. For advisors who are not on a pre-approved workflow, each weekly newsletter must be submitted to your compliance for review. Head to your Outbox, if you see the Submit for Review label, this indicates you did not submit your newsletter changes for review.
*Note: Only relevant for advisors on one of our integrated compliance workflows.
3. Your Newsletter Was Not Approved by Compliance
If your newsletter changes are not approved by compliance AdvisorStream cannot send out your newsletter. We require the approval by 11:00 am ET. Avoid this by providing your compliance department enough time to review and approve your changes before the 11:00 am ET deadline.
4. You Missed The Deadline
All approval must be received by 11:00 am ET Friday in order for AdvisorStream to send your newsletter. If you missed the deadline, you can send out your newsletter manually.
5. You Created Your Own Newsletter
Any/all newsletters you create will not be sent automatically - this only occurs with the weekly suggested newsletter. When you build and create your own, you must choose a list of contact(s) and send it manually (after compliance approval if applicable).