If you are experiencing difficulty connecting your Social Media review the possibilities below:
You are not the admin of the page
You must be the admin of the Facebook or LinkedIn page you are trying to connect. When connecting social networks within AdvisorSteam, you must first connect the account the page is associated with all pages you manage will appear below. Contact the page admin and ask him/her to add your Account as an admin.
How to become an admin: -
If your Social Media is connected to another AdvisorStream account
Social accounts can only be connected to one AdvisorStream account at a time. If the account you are trying to connect is already connected to another AdvisorStream account, you will not be able to connect. You’ll see a message appear in the notifications bell indicating the social account is already connected to a different account. This means you will need to login into the other account and disconnect the social media before you can connect it to your new or current account. If you are unsure of the duplicate or second account you may have, contact your Account Manager or email AS_Support@broadridge.com for assistance.
Your Social Media may need reconnecting.
This occurs periodically since social networks require the social token to be refreshed every once in a while, as a security and privacy precaution. Login to your AdvisorStream account and re-connect your LinkedIn, Facebook, and/or Twitter. -
Changes to the back end of the Social Media page
If there have been any changes made to the social media account then you may need to re-authenticate the connection within AdvisorStream. This includes changing the email, password, or admin permissions associated with the social account. You will need to disconnect and reconnect your social media within your Social Networks.