In this article you will learn how to merge a contact list as well as move contacts from one list to another.
How To Merge Contact Lists
Step 1: Start of by heading to the Contacts section of your account.
Step 2: Select the contact list you want to merge.
Step 3: Click Add all contact to list
Step 4: Select the list you want to merge with.
Step 5: Click on the blue OK to confirm the merge. (Checkmark Remove these contacts if you want to remove the contacts from the original list).
(Note that if a contact is within multiple contact lists they will only receive the email or newsletter once)
How To Move A Contact From One List To Another:
Step 1: Head to the Contacts section of your account
Step 2: Search the contact you want to add in the Search Contacts bar.
Step 3: To select the name, click on the checkbox to select the contact.
Step 4: Click on the blue Add to List button.
Step 5: Select which list you want to contact added to.
Step 6: Click on the blue OK button to confirm the changes.