AdvisorStream provides you with the ability to export all contacts you have imported. It is easy to download a full record of all email addresses you have been communicating with.
What is Included in the Export?
A CSV. of each email recipient can be downloaded from your Contacts dashboard. The CSV. includes a list of all recipients, their delivery status (such as bounces), and their communication frequency preference.
How to Export a Contact List?
Step 1: Head to your Contacts dashboard, on the list you wish to export click on the arrow beside the list to expand the options.
Step 2: Click the Export list to CSV. option, the file will be emailed to your primary address on file.
To Export All Contacts, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Head to your Contacts dashboard and click on the arrow to expand the list of options beside All Contacts
Step 2: Click the Export to CSV. option, A complete archive of your contact data will be sent to your primary email address. This may take a few minutes.
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